Hydrate, quench your thirst, refresh and love every sip of water or juice.
It is essential for our bodies to drink plenty of water, and stay well hydrated throughout the day. Our local markets are around the corner to assist us with being properly hydrated. Store shelves are filled with a great variety of water and natural juices. It can be exciting to experiment and choose beverages that appeal to you. Enjoy the process. Find healthy and refreshing quenchers that nourish you with vitamins and minerals.
Just pick the best.
Water comes in different flavors, in addition, there are mineral waters, sparkling waters, spring waters, etc. My opinion is that mineral and spring water are good. Sometimes I go for flavored water with more mineral content. For example, coconut water is made of a clear liquid found in young green coconuts. It contains calcium, magnesium, potassium. Aloe vera water, Guava water, Mango water, Green Apple water and many other flavors of waters are waiting for you to be picked. Any flavored water is delicious and tastes great.
juice from fruit and vegetables in the bank
Juices can be used to treat and prevent ailments, to flavor recipes or to be simply chilled and enjoyed on a nice, hot day. Check the bottled juice section in a supermarket. Look for 100% real, natural juice. Here are some examples of the benefits of certain juices:
Pomegranate juice strengthens bladder and gums.
Prune juice: tonic for a sluggish liver and good source of iron.
Beet juice: blood tonic and good for anemia and circulation
Cranberry juice: very effective in prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections
Dark, leafy green juice: energizing, source of calcium, helps build immunity
Juicing is an excellent way to supplement desired nutrients.
Begin drinking water, vegetable and fruit juices on a regular basis. Try it for about a month and judge the results for yourself. You will feel phenomenal and your health will become more vibrant. Most importantly, remind yourself to drink more water throughout the day. A pleasurable drink of comfort and refreshment satisfies thirst always. A tall glass of water or juice is a pure joy.
Leona S.